VE Forms

PLEXUS – The Volunteer Examiner Tool

Accreditation Record Update, Certificates, and Badges requests are now processed through Plexus.

Accreditation Record Update

Plexus updates with ULS data for updated names, callsigns, license upgrades, and expiration dates. Updated emails and certificates will be issued approximately 24 hours after the ULS updates.

VEs can now update their own addresses, grid squares, languages, and/or timezones in their profile on the Plexus‘ platform.

FCC LICENSE RENEWALS: You need to keep your license up to date through the FCC. You do not need to submit or notify GLAARG when you renew. Plexus will in-activate VEs with expired licenses and remove them from our active VE list. If you renew within the two year grace period, Plexus will reactivate your VE record automatically.


Contact with any questions or issues with record updates, certificates or badges requests.