Amateur Radio


The Greater Los Angeles Amateur Radio Group VEC is one of the 14 FCC-recognized Volunteer-Exam Coordinators conducting amateur radio exams. GLAARG is a VEC testing organization, not a radio club. Our exam fee is $10 for remote and in-person exams. Exam fees are waived for minors (under 18), students with a current ID (under 25), Active U.S. Military, U.S. Veterans, and GLAARG VEs upgrading to Amateur Extra. Each fee waiver covers one exam per element total (e.g., one Technician, one General, and one Amateur Extra exam).

Amateur Radio Examinations from the beginning…

The Greater Los Angeles Amateur Radio Group was formed as a nonprofit organization in May 1984, dedicated to the coordination of amateur radio license examinations at minimum cost to the examine. We signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the FCC at that time and coordinated our first examination on June 6, 1984. We were one of the first to embrace fully remote testing. Since April 2020, most of our exams have been online (remote) – our exam teams have done 1000s of them. We continue to hold fully remote, in-person sessions, and some hybrid sessions.

Join Us

Are you interested in becoming an Volunteer Examiner with GLAARG?
You can find out more information and the application at the button below.