For remote or hybrid sessions, start the Zoom session early to coordinate with VEs before letting the examinees into the Zoom session. Larger sessions will require more time. You can conduct all the exams in the Main Room, or use breakout rooms. Some teams have created a Welcome Room, Pre-check Room, and Exam Rooms. Note: without breakout rooms, you can only test about 3 examinees per hour.
Have the Host bring all examinees into the Welcome Room (first into the Main Room, then move to Welcome), or leave them outside the Zoom meeting in the Waiting Room. In both cases, prioritize the examinees by noting the order in which they joined the Zoom Meeting and rename them so you know everything you need. One way is PIN First Last Exam—example: 1234 Norm Goodkin E. You might also indicate a side camera or anything else your VEs should see. Another way is just to use the PIN, and notify the applicants that they can shorten their waiting time by joining later, according to their PIN.