Announce whether you will be allowing retests. Make sure your VE team will stay the extra time. Let the applicants know how much time they have and that there will be an additional exam fee. If applicants are to be allowed to retest at the session it must be announced before the examination starts and all applicants must be offered the opportunity. If the applicant elects to retest, they must pay an additional fee and must be given a different test version.
We charge the additional fee to discourage retesting because we have found that most applicants who retest are not successful the second time either. We permit only one retest so we do not waste our VE teams’ time.
You can announce this to the whole group before you hand out exams, or if you allow people to start once they have registered, then you have to give each applicant the same information. We would recommend that you finish registration, and then do the examination. You may do what works for you, but make sure that there are three (3) VEs proctoring while one is doing registration. You would then need four (4) or more VEs.
Let applicants know that if they leave before they are finished with their exam they will forfeit that exam. If they return they must be given a new exam with a different version.
Remind applicants to NOT WRITE on the EXAM BOOKLETS unless they are not reused for future sessions by the VE team.
Have all desks and tables cleared of all papers, books, cell phones, and notes. Calculators may be used if a VE checks that nothing is in memory.
Cell Phones, PDAs, Pagers, Smart Watches, and the like are to be turned off and placed out of sight.