This document covers most of the situations we’ve encountered over the years. If there is anything else you are hazy about, don’t hesitate to call, send an e-mail, or reach out to the Session Manager channel on Discord. It is best not to guess.
Remember, the information in this area is a guideline for a successful session. The procedure can be rearranged to fit the individual circumstances of the environment and personnel. It is helpful at the end of a session to gather your team together for a debriefing. Make a note of the things you need to do differently and thus be prepared for a better session the next time.
If you have a question about whether something you want to do is legal or not, call Ashley for a reading on it.
- Ashley Wallis–Chair,, ashley@GLAAR.ORG, 574-532-2166
- Dan Sherwood, Backup VEC/Support, dan@GLAARG.ORG, 661-264-1863
- Dave DiGiorgio, Session ID Manager and Trainer,
- Bryan Fridlund, Accreditation,
- Robert Mann, System Administrator,
- Adrienne Sherwood, Senior Advisor,
- Kevin Shin-Wheeler, Accreditation Support,
- Norm Goodkin, Operation Support,
- Naomi Goodkin, Adminstration Support,